Sunday 23 September 2012

Study Reveals Terrifying Climate Change Future

Haha! This reminds me of a horoscope I read once. "If you quit your job, it'll go no where."... You think!?
"if global temperatures reach levels at which coral reefs are damaged, then coral reefs will be damaged."

This (and "man-caused climate change" in general) is an excellent case of science and scientists that build an elaborate theory and science-based scenario on top of gigantic unknowns and "maybes".  
Our findings show that under current assumptions regarding thermal sensitivity, coral reefs might no longer be prominent coastal ecosystems if global mean temperatures actually exceed two degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial level.
This is one of the big reasons I was never convinced by Evolutionism and Material Naturalism as an explanation for life. You can't build a solid scientific theory on little more than conjecture! This is like the "just so" stories rampant throughout Evolutionism. "Such and such lifeform MAY have evolved such and such trait (since it exists, though we don't know how exactly that came about) because of changes in climate, food sources, competition, and any and all other possible environmental or evolutionary changes around it..." Wow! Really!? You think it maybe could have because of maybe this and that if these things happened? Astounding factual science there folks!

In the climate change study example of the article I've linked to, the study basically says that IF previous predictions about climate change pan out (come true), and IF it has the effects they think it might on corals, then all their predictions that they THINK might come true, WILL come true... So, "If we're right about this, that, and those other things, then this and that will probably (more than likely) be the result, just like we predicted and expected..."

And so the "science-based" monstrous fictional construct grows and grows, study upon study upon study connected, interconnected, attached and expanded upon until it's so huge that how could anyone possibly deny its reality!? And they completely forget that the entire theory at every single point along the extensive pathway was based on unproven speculation and guess work that has never actually been solidly and convincingly shown to be actually true. It ultimately becomes a grand fairy tale with scientific bits and pieces mixed in, though actually digging reveals the gaping holes and gigantic creative imaginative story telling that underlies the entire thing.

When you go digging for solid answers and are left with little more than these sorts of ephemeral "maybe if" explanations as the believed truth, then your "scientific theory" isn't actually science, it's just creative science fiction.

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